Composting that can be done at home.

Robin Low
6 min readMay 19, 2019

I have done various types of composting in Singapore within my bins on my balcony of a HDB flat. It is a good way to reducing waste, and great if you have plants.

There are 2 main types of composting — Anaerobic Composting and Aerobic Composting.

Anaerobic composting

Basically, this requires you to pile up organic material, wet it and throw it in an air tight container to deprive it of oxygen. he anaerobic process, which is essentially putrefaction, produces a very acidic environment similar to that in the stomach. Hence the term “digester” used to describe anaerobic processes and to distinguish them from aerobic composting.

I have one of those 50 liter blue tumblers which I fill up and seal up. Then forget about it, only to let some air out once in a while. It is very little work. Once it is full, this is just a waiting game.


This is for the lazy. Have a bin, fill it up, and forget about it. You can put all sorts of organic waste inside. Cook, uncooked, meat, poop from pets… everything. You need many of these bins if you want more compost, but once they are full, just cap it and forget about it.

Leave it in the sun, undisturbed and wait.




Robin Low

Author, Traveler, Innovator. Focuses on Social Impact and Innovation.