Usually not as hard or easy as you think.
Most people do not really see much classic motorcycles or cars on the roads, and immediately they think, “It must be hard to do it.”
Actually, I believe that because of our vehicle system that requires a new COE every 10 years, many classic vehicles exported or destroyed, and because of the cost of land, parking a classic vehicle takes resources as well.
Apart from the costs, restoring classic vehicles in Singapore is actually not that hard.
First, let me clarify this. Restoration is highly dependent on vehicle type and rarity. If the vehicle is rare and exotic, it is likely to be expensive and hard to source for parts.
If the vehicle is common and still in use, you are likely to find parts for it.
One good example is restoring a 1970’s Vespa. Vespa is a classic. It looks cool, and it was common back in its days, and it is still in use today. So restoring this bike is relatively easy.
There is 2 ways of going about doing this.
- Restoring it to original condition.
This involves hunting for Italian parts on ebay and searching various other vintage groups to make it original again.