The herd will follow the crowd.

Robin Low
5 min readSep 19, 2022

Humans like to follow trends, it is in our nature. Humans are often influenced by other humans.

With the advancement of digital media, this can be a good thing. People learn from others, and this is how individuals and societies develop. Unfortunately, what we often learn (online) may not actually be true.

In recent times, we can see that most people chose to wear masks in public places during the pandemic to prevent the spread of the virus. Telling people this is the new norm and getting people to wear masks is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even in September 2022, where mask wearing is not mandatory in Singapore, many people in Singapore are still wearing masks.

However, in the United States, some prominent people made a point of not wearing masks, and somehow made mask-wearing a political statement — until many got infected and died.

Social influences come in two categories. The first involves information which makes you feel like it is the right thing to do. Many people think or do something because the feel it is the best for them. Such actions would include wearing a seatbelt in a car, driving under the speed limit, treating people equally, wearing masks or picking up after your pet.

The second involves peer pressure. You do it because you care about what other people think about you…



Robin Low

Author, Traveler, Innovator. Focuses on Social Impact and Innovation.