You can be anti-Israel, but don’t be anti-Jews

Robin Low
3 min readJan 12, 2024

Antisemitism is a form of prejudice, discrimination, or hostility directed against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or cultural group. It has a long history and has manifested in various ways, ranging from verbal abuse and social exclusion to violence, persecution, and genocide.

Antisemitic beliefs and actions can be based on stereotypes, conspiracy theories, religious intolerance, or historical prejudices. Throughout history, antisemitism has taken different forms, such as religious antisemitism in medieval Europe, racial antisemitism during the Nazi era, and contemporary expressions in the form of conspiracy theories or discriminatory attitudes.

Antisemitism can occur at both an individual and institutional level. It is widely condemned internationally, and efforts are made to combat it through education, legislation, and raising awareness about the consequences of discrimination and prejudice.

It’s important to differentiate between criticism of specific actions or policies of the Israeli government and antisemitism. While criticism of governments, including Israel, is a normal part of political discourse, it becomes antisemitic when it involves unfair generalizations, stereotypes, or hatred towards Jews as a whole.

Addressing antisemitism, like all forms of discrimination, requires a collective effort to promote tolerance, understanding, and respect for diversity.



Robin Low

Author, Traveler, Innovator. Focuses on Social Impact and Innovation.